Warning Spoilers
Arza was brought back to life with the help of Jenny Chairin which was soon found out to be the adopted daughter of Zeref Dragneel. Storm had a tough battle with Dark Arza but thanks to Rogue's Shadow Dragon Roar she was defeated. Nettalia escaped telling the members of Fairy Tail the next time they see her she won't be defeated. But some shocking events occurred when the dark Mage himself appear before them.
Things you need to know:
About Arza:
Name - Arza Scarlet
Parents - Rowan and Kella Dark
Siblings - Erza Scarlet (Adopted)
Crush - Freed Justine
Friends - Lucy, Juvia, Lisanna, Laxus, Evergreen, Freed, Bisca, Natsu, Gray, Alzack, Ichiya, Hibiki, Ren Eve, Rogue, Sting, Wendy, Frosch, Lector, Happy, Carla, Gajeel, and Pantherlily
Best Friends - Bixlow, Cana, Mirajane, and Storm
About Storm:
Name - Storm Hurricane
Parents - Zell and Zelnia
Adoptive Father: Chris Hurricane
Siblings - Zachary Hurricane
Crush - Gajeel
Friends - Elfman, Loke/Leo,
Best Friends - Arza, Gray, Natsu, and Laxus
OCS - Arza Scalet, Storm Hurricane, Chris Hurricane, Zachary Hurricane, Zell, Zelnia, Grace Roma, Luke Dreya, Jason Grafin, Jenny Chairin, Nettalia Demon, Kella Dark and Rowan Dark
Main Protagonists - Arza Scarlet, Storm Hurricane, Freed Justine, and Gajeel Redfox
Main Character - Arza Scarlet
Main Antagonists - Zell, Zelnia, and Nettalia Demon
Next Book - Not avalible yet
Previous Book - https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/68924888-bye-for-now-a-fairy-tail-fanfiction