Nerd Loves Boy (Boy Meets Nerd #3)
35 capítulos Concluído Audry has a lot of life planned out for herself but it's not going to be easy to navigate. After a long year of figuring out what and who she wants to be, Audry is only in for what seems to be an even more confusing, exciting, and all around crazy roller coaster ride as she heads off to her first year of college. With new friends around the corner, old friends only a few doors down, and a fresh new adventure awaiting her, Audry is ready to see what lies ahead.
But is she ready to do this all on her own with her sister Cameron studying in New York? Is she ready to handle the pressures of discovering who she is and what she can overcome? Most importantly, is she ready to face some things she's been avoiding- people, feelings, and potential second chances? Audry is ready to move on with her life but some things, a boy, in particular, keep pulling her heart in the opposite direction.