Disney. I love the movies and don't care if that makes me childish. Anyway this book contains one shots. Each one shot is about a different ship and based on characters of the Disney movies. Suggestions are open! You can choose out of the following ships: -Mavi (Mitch + Avi) -Kavi (Kirstie + Avi) -Scavi (Scott + Avi) -Avin (Kevin + Avi) -Scömavi (Scott + Mitch + Avi) -Scömiche (Scott + Mitch) -Tivi (Tim + Avi) -Avam (Avi + Adam) -Tidam (Tim + Adam) -Austim (Austin + Tim) -Kirstim (Kirstie + Tim) -Ausdam (Austin + Adam) -Chrim (Chris + Tim)All Rights Reserved