It is said that the day earth was born, moon was the caretaker, the watcher of earth and all beings. When moon saw things known as humans destroying earth, she cried. Where the tears fell, a strange being was born. She is said to shed 3 tears, and there appeared many magical beings. Hi my name is Flimsy Woodland, or Flims for short( I know that's a really stupid nickname). I am a teacup fairy, we are the only of I kind we know of, but we are ones with the humans. We look like humans, but the height of a teacup. We never reveal our true forms with the humans, we grow to the average size of a human, oh! Forgot to explain about that. We can change heights and be as tall as a 3 story building, to the side of a speck. Also, we can change our hair and skin color to look like someone we are not. We do have our own looks, but we use it for our own protection.All Rights Reserved
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