2D: Ask us anythin'!
Murdoc: Screw you, I'm not answering any questions.
Russel: Yeah, you are. We all are.
Noodle: Noodle!
This is just my interpretation of the characters: take it with a grain of salt. I thought this would be fun to do! So, you can ask 2D, Noodle, Murdoc, Russel, Cyborg, or Del. You can also ask more than one character the same question at the same time (i.e. "Hey guys, what's your favorite food?")
One question per person at a time, please! After your first question is answered, feel free to ask another! And so things don't get cluttered, I'll be deleting questions in the comments once answered.
Dans la vie on a une grande histoire d'amour, même si on peut aimer plusieurs fois, il n'y a qu'un seul visage qui nous revient continuellement en tête et c'est ce visage qui est l'amour de votre vie.
Lando Norris & Charlotte Di Mancini