I am Dianne Elizabeth, and Shakespeare's "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind" has been my mantra for the entire 16 years of my existence. I believe that love is not affected or impacted by any kind of judgement or reason, as the wings of Cupid and his blindness indicate that love is incredibly hasty in terms of its impact on us and our actions.
But as he entered my universe, the thought that it is the soul, and not the physical beauty, attracts real love dismissed from my mind. For because of him, I had the urge to completely efface my entity. Because of him, I disregarded self love just to give him all the love that I thought he deserved. And because of him, I acknowledged the fact that I was and will never be enough.
"Love is not blind, Dianna," I whispered to myself. "The truth is, no one is attracted to your personality first," I continued.
He became my everything, but most importantly, he became my black hole. And sadly, I allowed him to consume every galaxy within me... leaving me in pure darkness.