It was dark, you could see nothing. Two white firgures were fighting each other. You hear a voice of a 12-year old boy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this world, it's kill or be killed, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More figures joined in the fighting, but the most notable were the first two: a male pre-teen with huge wings, the other was a female pre-teen, who was pointing a gun at the male. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eat or be eaten, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The female Hunter shot the Winged boy in the arm. He looked back at her, wondering what happened to her. They had been so close when they were younger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fight or be beaten. But, most importantly... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Winged boy tried to flying off, but the girl shot five bullets into his wings. He fell to the ground, and the female Hunter left him to die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is no one you can trust, and no one who trusts you.All Rights Reserved