"May I ask you for your name?"
"Yes, you may, but can I get your name in return?"
"YAH! Get away from me you giant!"
"How can I when you are so loveable?"
"Only for you."
"Is it weird that I love my friend's brother?"
"Only if it's weird that I love my sister's friend."
"Ge, why can't you look at me properly?"
"But I already am."
"Why are you always making fun of me?!"
"Because I want you to notice me."
Genderbend characters: fem Luhan, fem Baekhyun, fem Xiumin, fem Suho, fem Tao, fem D.O, fem BamBam, fem Youngjae, fem GD, fem Leo, fem Mark, fem Ravi, fem Hyuk, fem Taemin
Main pairing: HunHan
Side pairings: XiuChen/SuLay/TaoRis/ChanBaek/KaiSoo
Other pairings: YugBam, JinMark, 2jae, 2min, GTop, Neo, HyukBin, KenVi