The Legend of the Black Fairy Slayer
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Righty then, so as this is my first fanfic, I guess I should say that you can't expect much from it, but yeah I'll try my hardest and hopefully you guys will like it. Just so you know, this is a crossover of Sword Art Online II and Fairy Tail. So I think that's about-Hey, Yuuki! You can't just take the laptop away!
Yuuki: Yeah I can! You forgot to say something, you baka! So, I guess I'll finish this part. If you want to get a shoutout or put in your own character, please enter him/her/it in the comments section and tell us their name, age, appearance and magic/weapon/magic weapon and any other info that you want to be added. So yeah, I finally beat Rekedge to the finish! I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!
Me:...ok den? Well, you heard (or read, whatever you prefer) Yuuki. That's all, so yeah, enjoy and Happy Reading (and Recking)!
DISCLAIMER: Yuuki: Rekedge and I own nothing in this fanfic except the fanfic itself. All credit goes to Reki Kawahara (Sword Art Online Series) and Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail). This fanfic would not be possible without them creating their manga, so thanks you guys!