Anne is with emma, regina, hook, and the charmings in neverland, trying to save her brother, henry. He's in the hands of peter pan, the bloody demon. She and the others want to find ways to get in pan's camp, but didn't succeed yet. Suddenly anne get kidnapped by lostboys when they get in a fight. She tried to escape the camp with henry, but anne fails everytime. Until she gets a plan, she's gonna win pan's trust and mabey she can escape then. And that is what she's gonna do. Anne get closer to pan, and start to know him better. Will feelings get in the way of her plan? Or will it succeed..?
"Want to know me better huh?" Peter chuckled. "Yeah, i mean i can't leave this bloody camp, so why don't know each other better?" I said, starting to get a little nervous. I looked towards henry, and he nodded. Peter walked closer to me and looked me deeply in the eyes. "Well why not" he smirked develish. "Great" i smiled at him.