The Beatles are the world's greatest rock band. Everyone, even people who don't listen to the radio or watch TV, know who they are. Their faces are everywhere: in the newspapers, on billboards, on tv screens, & their names come out of millions and millions mouths every day. It's been like that since 1962. Some people love them & some people hate them. They're either either "God's gift" or "overrated," but they're still there, & they're still relevant. It seems like the world spins around them.
No one seems to think about the people behind this 'legendary' band, though. They don't think about the wives, the sisters, the brothers, the dads --- the other carriers of th last name Lennon, McCartney, Harrison & Starkey. They see the surname & they think 'The Beatles.'
Julian and Ava are two carriers of these oh so famous surnames. To them, it feels like they've been through it all: interviews, rumors, fights; everything possibly imaginable when it comes to The Beatles. What they have yet to face though, is the two questions that come with being a carrier of their last names: Who are they, and where -- in between love and hate -- do they lie with the world's greatest band?