Eliz is a normal incoming high school student living a simple and peaceful life with her grandfather Lolo Sky. One summer afternoon, while hanging their clothes dry after doing their laundress, she heard Lolo Sky call her name. She went inside in a hurried manner for she was afraid that grandfather Sky might be having another of his asthma attack. Upon entering the sala of their kubo, she found Lolo Sky grasping for air. Lolo Sky told her to go to their neighbor and ask for help so he could be brought to the hospital for they don't have any cellphone nor is Eliz capable of helping him by herself. So as his grandfather requested, Eliz hurriedly run to their neighbor's house. As she run, she repeatedly prayed for God to not take her grandfather bcoz he is all she got. Finally reaching the house of their neighbor and close acquaintance, Eliz told everything and both run hurriedly back to lolo Sky. But on reaching their house, Eliz was surprise to see Lolo Sky nowhere to be found.Todos los derechos reservados
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