Come and learn more about the Author Irene Jane Holmes and her adventure books for all ages. You can also, go to her web-page @ and check more about her books and the links to purchase any of the books.All books are on paperback / E-Book.
ABC 123 COLOR ANIMAL KID. The Journey Through the Forest is a story about Mikey who travels through the forest of animals as he learns his basic phonics education. He will explore his alphabets, numbers, colors, what thee animal is doing and the five senses: see, hear, feel taste, and smell.
Come explore in the forest of animals as, your child learns his basic phonics education of letter, number, colors, shapes, animals and the five senses. Your Kids will have fun on their journey through the animal forest. This book can be fun for the whole family.
Copyright © 2015 by Irene Jane Holmes
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015949530
ISBN-13: Softcover 978-1-941736-89-0
Pdf 978-1-941736-93-7
ePub 978-1-941736-94-4
Kindle 978-1-941736-95-1
BookVenture Publishing LLC
I created this book: ABC, 123, Color Animal Kid story to
dedicate this book to help my children Richard Vernon Holmes-
Kittleson, Timothy Mikel Jr. Holmes-Kittleson, Michael Jesse
Holmes-Kittleson, Colleen Mary Holmes-Kittleson and Alvin James
Holmes-Kittleson and every child in the world. I created this book
to help my own children and other people's children around the
world to help educate them in their alphabets, colors, numbers,
animals and their fi ve senses: feel, hear, smell, see and taste. I
wanted to create another phonics book to help children with their
I love to write stories, poems, and songs to help my children
and other people around the world. I have also, written a song called: I want to be like my
brothers. This song is about the different developments as your child
grows. This song helps out children not to give up on things and try your best as they grow.All Rights Reserved