Love stories are usually having a bad boy who bets with the good girl that she will fall in love with him . And BAM ! That's what happens! The Bad boy always is a hottie , and the good girl is a shy , beautiful nerd .
Not here .
Not with Madison and Jack .
It's reversed .
Madison is the beautiful bad girl , and Jack is the shy good boy .
" U are gonna fall for a guy some day Mady ! " Daniya , Madison's elder sister says .
Madison let's out a bitter laugh . " Never ! Never in a million years . "
How does Madison finally notice Jack ?
Does Madison treat Jack like she treats every other guy ?
As they say , " Behind ever bad boy/girl , there's a reason . " Does Madison have a reason ? If yes , then what is it ?
Deux gamins qui n'auraient jamais dû se comprendre.
Deux adultes qui n'ont jamais su s'oublier.
Ils étaient ennemis.
Ils seront amants.
Et ils n'ont plus rien à perdre... sauf l'un l'autre.