Robin Malfoy (Mila Kunis) lives in a world where life doesn't reach farther than over the fence of her backyard. Her father's endless war with the neighbours puts Robin in a rather tough predicament. When werewolf/wizard Teddy Lupin (Logan Lerman), the godson of her father's arch enemy returns home, Robin feels as if he is following everywhere. After two random encounters, she sets a goal to search past Teddy's quite interesting exterior. Soon, Robing finds herself caught in a tangle of love, fear and prejudice. As the Hogwarts year proceeds, Robin and Teddy find themselves falling deeper in love with each other . They are not only at war with their families but also with the most threatening face of evil since Lord Voldemort; The Phaser. They are forced to fight to the death along side their best friends, Jeffrey (Aaron Johnson) and Caitlyn (Naya Rivera). Will they be able to fight two wars, or will they drown in judgement? Will the ongoing battle of the Potters and the Malfoys stand between the young wizard's love? This semester at Hogwarts, Robin Malfoy and Teddy Lupin are Snaked.