A classmate of mine died last night (5-10-16) in a car accident, his girlfriend is now in the hospital.
He was a very nice kid, always respectful even though he didn't look the part. I knew him from a class we were all in, in this class we were a sort of family, dis-functional but still family, everyone knew each other.
This is my emotional tool of the day and what follows.
I felt his memory should be set somewhere that it can't go away.
Rest in peace Dakota Noel, we all are gonna miss you.
I hope you're in a better place now. Somewhere with lots of cars like you loved.
//This is not fiction!//
(((Formally- 'I don't know where else to post this so...')))
«Nabogutten" er en sann historie om en gutt som har brukt hele livet sitt på å sette spørsmål om livet. Dette er en historie om ei jente som står på utsiden, som ser alt. Hun forstår at alt ikke er geit. Hun står på utsiden, men hun kan ikke gjøre noe. Ei jente som står der litt fortvilet.
Dette er et tilbakeblikk til fortiden, og nåtid.
Dette er en sann historie.