This is not a happy story, this is not a sad story, it is neither a epic story full of battles and blood and conflicts, it is just a story, just life in the beautiful moments but also in the hard ones. I am not going to use the real name, because this is a true story and it is not my place or right to talk about it. But I have to, because that story taught me so much, about happiness and sorrow, love and lost, about life. It started 17 years ago, during a trip between two royals families. It was just a formal meeting, the old house of Great Britain invited their greatest ally just to inforce their relationship with the newer United States of America royal family. This story is about one of their member, the grand daughter of the USA queen, third in line for the throne, just turn 17. A discret, intelligent girl, not ugly but not stunning either. A normal girl, train her entire life to be ruler, « locked »in that cage, or castle has other people call it. But she is not a wiener, she know she is lucky, that she has a duty to her people, her country. To save her secret idendity, let's call her Vanessa Doulister. She doesn't have many friends because it is always like that in story, the main character is always alone. Mainly because she know that most people are after what she represent, not what she truly is. And maybe because she doesn't have that much self confidence, like most of us.
"Like in Fairytales this story has princesses and prince with their endearing passion and eternal love and compassion. People who aren't selfish but kind and think of others. People who are perfect."
Well I could say this but then I would be lying.
This is not a story about perfectionism but the opposite. Where the characters realize that their is as much horror in the light as there is beauty in the dark. Where they learn the only way you can describe life is that it goes on. That love is not finding a soulmate who tames your wildness but someone who runs wild with you. That the only way out of this labyrinth of life is through it. That it takes more than a pulse, a working pair of lungs and a pumping heart to call a homo sapien a human.
It's a journey of people, being pretentious and perfect, to being a hot mess. Life may be safer at the sidelines but the real game is in the playground.
It's a new project I shall be working on. The updates may be slow. Sorry. It is kind of a spin off on my 'Cole' Series. That book was supposed to highlight the misadventures but it turned into a Fairytale. Let's find out what it is 'like in Fairytales'.