sometimes we are fun and we laugh all the time,sometimes we cry we are sad all the time,this is life ,it's a bad side and also a good side in the same time ,a part of it could be the best days of our lifes ,but it could be also the worst days ,it is what it is ,so all we have to do is smile & enjoy each moment of it with people we love we care about and they care about us in return and show us that they do care they do want us to be happy they smile when we smile they cry when we do tooo bcs sometimes we just feel like we are alone in this big large world so we want to be wanted and actually be loved .
it is what it is ,we all have experienced bad times ,times that u ignore ur phone ,times when u are soo far from the real life ,times that u don't sleep at night ,times that all u will be good at is staring at walls ,times that u loose your self in ,times that u hate everyone and just like try to be alone but it is what it is
after we cry we smile ,we juste have to keep moving forward .
Sûrement un peu plus abîmée que la veille, mais ça ira tu sais.
"La tristesse vient de la solitude du coeur."
NDA : Cette histoire n'a en aucun cas pour but de romancer/banalisé les pêchers tels que la mixité (homme/femme), la fornication, les relations hors-mariage.
En écrivant cette fiction , l'intention est de m'essayer à écrire depuis des points de vue qui diffère les uns des autres et de mettre en lumière des problèmatiques que n'importe qui peut rencontrer/avoir.