Its 1914 and it's silent on the Atlantic ocean except for the screams of the survivors and people in lifeboats. Thomas Spencer is frozen, and pretty much dead when a family of vampires comes to feed on the bodies of the deceased. They find Thomas, still barely alive, and decide to transform him into a vampire. They change his name to William Ross, and 95 years later William accidentally turns his girlfriend into a vampire. But a group of wolves move into the neighborhood to protect the humans from the Ross family...... Read to find out what happens.
When Caleb Carelton moves to Windale, Louisiana, he catches sight of a girl named Olivia Mclaren. No matter how much he falls for her and she falls for him, he promised himself he wouldn't let anything happen. He couldn't risk exposing himself to her...letting her see the real him. It wouldn't end...well...let's just say better safe than sorry.