It's midnight and all the 5 year girl can hear is screaming She think's why are my parent's fighting, thares so much pain In side me, then she bows her head and prays, after she Cry's and fall's on her knees crying, hopeing the Screaming with stop, she back's up against the wall Crying hugging her knee's saying help me someone Then her older sister comes and sits beside her and Says it will be okay while tears drop down her face Then year's later, it's dark and there's screaming And then 24 minutes later her mom and dad Walk into the living room, and then the Father Sat and said to the older brother Shero and the oldest sister misaki and To the second oldest sister and to the other Little sister while mom is holding the baby He said kid's I'm leaving for awhile because I need to change because I'm in a bad sin Right now and I need to leave I love y'all And he hugs them and while they cry, and he Leaves with out looking back, and yui watches him Close the door, an she whispers bye.