'Loving him was like staring at the sun. Watching it for too long will eventually hurt me, but something deep inside me won't let me stop.
Loving him was like chasing a shooting star. He was out of reach but that doesn't stop me from running.
Loving him was like wanting to fly. Everybody does.
Loving him was like walking on egg shells. Even if you're careful, you will get hurt.
Loving him was like admiring the night sky. Only a few got to actually get to be up there with the stars, and I will never be one of them.
Loving him was like thinking you are safe walking on glass. You're not.
Loving him was like explaining to somebody you are from the future. Because they won't believe you.
Loving him was like crying over spilled milk. You feel hurt but are told it is foolish.
Loving him was impossible. Yet I still did.'
A sigh escapes my lips as I set my beat up journal on my nightstand. My mind racing with the words he spoke. I laid back into bed and attempted to sleep.
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