For Kageyama the day began as every other normal day. He woke up around 5 o'clock to do his morning routine. Breakfast, jogging, taking a shower and than run as fast as he could to school, to make sure that he was earlier than the orange haired idiot. To his joy he was faster than Hinata. This would make his 47th win. There was nothing extrordinary about the morning practice of that day, the same was to say about the practice after school. It was actually kinda boring, but if Kageyama had known what was going to happen, he would have appreciated it more. But now it was too late for that now. Because everything changed after that one practice. And it would never go back to the way it was. Haikyuu fanfiction (I know it's nonflying thanks)Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone