Kai Nana'uma, just a regular 16 year old boy about to start off on is Pokémon journey in the all new Pohihi Region. Made up of hundreds of islands, this region is completely secretive. The only people who have been to this island, are the people who live there! An ancient Pokémon looks over the islands and protects them. With its magic, the region is invisible to all outsiders, and those who get too close to it, see huge clouds of mist and suddenly forget why they were traveling that direction and turn around.
Now, something terrible has happened to the Pokémon and the region becomes visible to outsiders and they start visiting the islands. Some old familiar faces are amongst the newcomers to Pohihi.
Kai and his new friends have to help save the ancient guardian of Pohihi, all while trying to collect gym badges to become a Pokémon champion! Adventure, mystery, love, and fun times await all who choose to embark on this journey with me! Come, let me transport you to a whole new world where you can get lost in your imagination! This is my very first story, so please, comment and rate, whatever you can to help me out!