"You are perfect if you make mistakes, because perfection are only for those who can admit and accept their mistakes and try to make it right." -Anonymous
What will you do if the person you used to love the most comes back and can't even remember you? Will you try to win their heart back or just give up?
Lee HyunA, or Hyunnie. A girl with a pretty face, body and heart. Everybody loves her. Every boy's fantasy and every girl's insecurity. She's the one and only daughter of the CEO of one of the most known Entertainment Companies. She met a bunch of guys, that made her life upside-down..
And there, her CHAOTIC love story with the oldest kitten of EXO began.
Xiumin and HyunA's relationship were like 'Relationship Goals'... Many envied their relationship because Xiumin is a gentleman, a kind, sweet and very caring boyfriend, while HyunA is a slowpoke, cute, and a lovable cutie girlfriend to Xiumin.
In every decision you make, you need to take the risk and sacrifice something for the better tomorrow. There was never a decision making without taking risks. That is what happened to Xiumin that made his while life crashed. He needed to sacrifice for the sake of the most important people and things he took cared of. He never knew that it will make a huge impact to his future... He almost lost everything.. He tried coping up and he succeeded but it left a mark, a mark that will make him remember about his past.
BUT, he knew with himself that in a risky decision, you should not hesitate to take the risk because you may lose something good but you will probably gain something better...
All Rights Reserved 2016
'Matthyas, dat.. dat was drugs.'
Verhaal over een vriendengroep van 5, die in 5VWO zitten, wanneer een van hun opeens wisselend gedrag vertoond. Hoe hij eerst liever onder de radar bleef, is hij nu soms de luidste van de klas, maar kan soms opeens zo inkakken, dat hij nog nauwelijks op zijn eigen benen kan staan...
TW: (Sommige zijn wel in detail, sommige niet, maar ik dacht ik zet het hier neer, aangezien ik het niet voor elk hoofdstuk erin zet.)
- SH
- SA
- Alcoholgebruik
- Drugsgebruik