Think this sweet story reigns supreme? Don't forget to VOTE to turn this into the official backstory of Chef Panda! Chef Panda's life begins at a zoo in Asia. He's kidnapped by thugs who work in the highly illegal exotic pet trade. They intend to sell him to a rich business man in Eastern Europe who collects animals in his private zoo... but then due to a comical mix-up when the thugs stop for gas, Panda is mistakenly delivered to a French pastry shop (instead of the delivery of flour, sugar, and butter that the chef was expecting)! Pierre, the head chef of the Cookie Jam bakeshop on Boulevard Gateaux, is afraid to turn poor baby Panda over to the police for fear that he'll end up in the hands of whoever's willing to pay the highest price for him. However, Pierre grows old and ill before it ever seems like the right time to surrender his beloved Sous-Chef, Panda. When Pierre passes away and bequeaths ownership of Cookie Jam to Chef Panda, Panda decides to set out on an adventure to find his parents and rightful home. Eager to capture Chef Panda and deliver him to the business man who's now willing to pay even more for him, the thugs plant spies all over the world to order gingerbread men from Panda. Chef Panda instructs all of his helpers to smash gingerbread men who aren't cooking perfectly with wooden spoons rather than allow them to delay full pastry orders. Will Chef Panda ever find his panda family? Or will he eventually decide to settle down somewhere nice, like the Fruit Tart Fields, and abandon his dream?