(DISCONTINUED) Secrets can kill. Some deadlier than others. But, in order to keep them from consuming you, you need to have trust. Sometimes you'll fined it in the most unlikely of people. -+-+-+-+-+-+- Two totally different teenage boys, yet the same. One with a deadly past, another with a deadly life. One has been hiding from his past with the help of some friends. The other tries to embrace his deference all by himself. One knows about who he is. The other does not remember who he used to be, or how he became who he is. When they meet while both of them are on the run from their fears and secrets, how will their fates intertwine? Will they help each other out? Will the one run to be alone once again? Will they both even want each others help? Will they fight their differences and possibly fall in love? -+-+-+-+-+-+- *THERE MAY BE SOME TRIGGERING IN THIS SO I AM WARNING EVERYONE NOW. THIS STORY WILL HAVE LOTS OF BLOOD, TORTURE, AND SELF HARM IN IT. DO NOT BLAME ME FOR ANYTHING THAT GOES THROUGH YOUR MIND. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED*All Rights Reserved