This book about the end of the world has confused scholars throughout history with its complex symbolism, so there are lots of different interpretations. But the basic story line of John's dream is that the first-century church just didn't care - so God interrupts their religious sleepwalking. Jesus knocked on the door of this lazy spiritual community to see if anyone would commit to live passionately for God. Even though people interpret some things differently, this book undeniably points to God's ultimate authority - He reigns supreme over everything. While Believers will definitely face battles here on earth - started by Satan, the father of lies - God will win the war over evil!
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN "SEALED" BY GOD, his mark of protection guarantees victory in all things!
Written by John when he was in captivity on the Greek island of Patmos, a prison colony.
This revelation is a series of prophetic visions God gave John about seven actual churches in the first century - located in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea - that existed within a ninety-mile radius of each other in Asia Minor (which is now Turkey). These congregations were struggling with issues like self-righteousness, sexual promiscuity, and foolish indifference to God. They had compromised their spiritual integrity and needed a wake-up call.
Written between A.D. 95 and A.D. 96, as John neared the end of his life.
The Book of Revelation, also known more specifically as "The Revelation to John."
New Century Version.
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