Chapter 1: Sara's POV✌ She was just about to open the front door to her house when two cars pulled over at the house next door. No one has ever moved in over there since five years now. Music was blasting from the car behind the black Honda . A thin white blond around 30 years popped out of the drivers seat and opened the back door. A little girl around five years jumped out dragging a grey teddy in her hand behind her. This reminds Sara of her 3 year old sister,Cara. Cara loved dolls and had a great collection in her room. Mom would bring them home whenever she did something bad to her or when she was sad , the last time I remembered mom bringing Cara a doll was when dad left 2 years a go since then mom has a wide variety of boyfriends and never has the time for us. The little girl jumped happily up and down with a wide grin on her face.Tutti i diritti riservati