Once a child of and unordinary family a mom who acted like he is a teenager himself, father who's always there yet never there. Rokivor's life went from unordinary to extrodinary, the secrets her family holds to the world beyond her and who her parents really are and why the can't seem to act their unknown age.
Just who are the Ashtrids and why are they here? That's the same question Rokivor's been asking herself her whole life how come she didn't fit in with any group at her school nerds, stuck ups, rebels, emo, goth, scene, not even the bullies no where did she fit in.
And no one knows why......till that knock in the night that woke the Astrid family, in the dead of night who is the stranger on her door step and how do her parents know them?
Is Asrid even her real last name, is her first name really Rokivor?....
Yet another question that no one seems to have the answer too, Rokivor sets out on her troubled quest for the truth and much needed answers. The world around her is a lie conjured by her parents to keep her safe and she has to find the truth within the mist. To help this....stranger find their way.