"Lukas, quit it. You think you're so untouchable, invincible, but you're not." I finally said, losing my temper. "You're just as scared as everyone else in this forsaken town. But instead of dealing with your problems, you put that cigarette in your mouth and you hope everything will just blow over. Guess what? Its not going to! So man up and j-" My rant was interrupted by Lukas Brangston in all his six foot glory blowing a puff of smoke from his lips straight into my nostrils. "Mmmm, you smell that? Inhale some, Pidge, it's my favorite scent." He taunted, bending down to look me in the eyes. "Its the smell of: I don't have time for your drama today; So shut up."
When Lukas Brangston, the bad boy of Churchill Preparatory High School, ends up stranded in the city of Eugene, Oregon with valedictorian Ivy Devonshire their personalities are bound to crash. Together, the two will have to find their way back home and avoid the cops who suspect them of stealing a prized show dog all while keeping it together. All it takes is a few deeps breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Right?