76 części Opowieść Zakończona Dla dorosłych"She was his first, he was her last."
Marriya Mitchell didn't have it easy. Her life was far from perfect, and the people around her were a constant reminder of that. She had a dad who was never there, a verbally abusive mother, a physically abusive brother, and sisters who didn't understand the meaning of personal space. One day she gets a call that changes her life forever. It's a woman claiming to be her mother.
Marriya is given the new beginning she has always dreamed of when she is moved across the continent to Los Angeles, the current home of her new family.
Things start about as normal as possible, that is until she finds out her new brother is the drummer in her favorite band, Ellington Ratliff.
Marriya was in love with Ross Lynch long before she met him, and he fell harder for her the second he saw her. Despite the tough things that continue to happen, he is able to deal with it through the love of her new families. For the first time ever, her life feels worth living. That is, until she catches someone she loves catching the ultimate act of betrayal. Every piece of her life she has worked so hard to put back together since she moved shatters, and she is left with one choice. Run from the person she loves most before they can hurt her again.