Born in the infernal world...we ain't the mere creatures of ash and soot, we ain't made from those five elements of life, we are summoned from the tempered reins of our masters, the rulers of Hades, to avenge the agony of our brothers and sisters in hell! To avenge the torture of our brethren!! "To avenge the torture of our brethren!" We choruses. Catherine Ravenblood's world revolves around her memories. She wakes in them, she sleeps in them. Her memories are the only thing that keeps her sane and at the same time, are the cause of her nightmares. Cathy had to leave her past behind, and start a new present to have a safe future for the ones dear to her. But what happen when her past, present and future all collides?? Will she make it out from there alive Or will she pay the redemption for being INFERNAL.