Some of us have millions of story ideas, but we can't write all of them at once. But it is such freaking good ideas!! Others are dying trying to think of ideas. Here you can sell or buy ideas. To sell: Text me a pm containing: The idea How much you want for it( it could be free, credit or money) If you'd like credit for it I'll then post it with a little of the deeds. If your intersted leave a comment. Keep checking to see if someone is interested in your book. If you see someone you'd sell the book to you text me a pm and I'll fix you up. You can also advertise here as someone who makes covers or someone needing a cover. Again if you need one pm me the deeds of your story and what you want on the cover. If your making covers you text me a pm containing: Your name If you want credit And a few examples of what you made. Let's get sellin' and buyin' ❤All Rights Reserved
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