12 parti Completa "I don't have terrible problems, and I know my life isn't bad like other people's", I added.
"But it's as if I'm half and half", I shrugged. "Half satisfied, half disappointed, half happy, half sad".
"I know it's silly though", I corrected myself while sitting up and shaking my head. "I know I don't have the right to say I feel-".
"You don't have to be miserable to have depression", Matthew cut in while looking into the horizon.
"You don't have to be poor, or unloved, or even bullied to feel like you're losing all hope", he added.
Looking right ahead, he placed his hand on the water and threw some ahead, creating a 'splash' sound that interrupted our quietness.
"You don't need water to feel like you're drowning", he pointed while looking at me with an intense look, as if begging me to understand and take my words back.
"Never apologize for your feelings", he continued while moving a bit closer to me. "They are there for a reason".