As writers, The perfect escape is writing.
Scribbling our soul heart on piece of paper is what we do. Writing is our escape where we can scribble anything.
Our weapon is our pen.
It can be sad at times, because we pen down what we feel,Deaths ,breakups, sad things and after darkness there's dawn and then the sun rises.
For more Follow us on INSTAGRAM: @scribblingutopia
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***Saying the unspoken. Words that takes your breath away. Short, precise and vulnerable. Something that you can relate to, something that you know is an unspoken truth. And a story that almost everybody shares, yet we don't have enough courage to narrate. Inking words are stories that we bleed everyday and stories that we neglect every minute. Come, let's share each other's stories and be vulnerable. Scribbling Utopia will now be sharing word stories under the banner of "Inking Words...Penning down the Unspoken." Six to Ten word stories. You can send us yours too to get featured!