Let me be clear, I'm not going to say this isn't a cliche story, because it is, but who cares?, you are just gonna keep on reading because you think I'm going to add some deep shit about what this story is about, well let me tell you a little something about myself, I don't do deep, I don't do suicidal teens, or super stereotipical gays or lesbians, I, do plaine, simple, expected, I know you probably hate it when you read a story and you can tell how it's gonna end ten chapters before it actually does, but who doesn't,and who can write a story with so many plot twists that nobody can actually guess?? Fuck normal, fuck stereotypes and Fuck fictional suicidal teens(which are definitely not an accurate description of an actual suicidal teen) , lets just have a story, a good story, a nice story for once in a lifetime, read if you want and excuse me if I am being rude, I can't help it.
Ps: this is a bxb story and I will add some bxb action (if I can find it in myself to write it) so you've been warned