Meet Elizabeth Rosewood, she once lived with the Volturi because of how powerful she is but she doesn't like their lifestyle so she decided to go visit the Cullen family to check up on them only to stay once she catches the eye of the newest Cullen, Edmond Cullen who is adopted son of Rosalie and Emmett. But there becomes conflict when Aro wants her for her power so much that he will be willing to do anything to get her back in Italy. As Elizabeth becomes more of a member of the Cullens, the more she begins to realize now how much she can lose. But can she stand to lose her new family to protect them? Or will she have a greater plan in mind. Read this book and go through the life of the Cullens with all your favorite and lest favorite vampires from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga along with a few new characters inspired by Stephanie Meyer. I just want to put that although you all know this, Stephanie Meyer owns most of the characters in this book, all rights go to her for making a lot of these characters really come to life for people.