In a slightly AU New York City, things are about to be changed forever. For years, an organization known as Checkmate has been trying to push the limits of humanity, while keeping a worldwide peace. A terrorist group known as Sundown has been highly against it, going so far as to try and blow up Checkmate bases. In a cataclysmic event between the two, lives have been changed forever. This day was forever recorded as "Rebirth". An explosion has left nothing but a cloud of gas in it's wake. And inside it, the properties of the mutagen that was sure to push the mortal coil past it's peak. Right place at the wrong time, Drew Mills found himself at the center of the explosion, inhaling in the fumes from the gas. It mutated his genetic structure, bringing his body to it's full potential. Only, he wasn't the singular change. The gas was widespread across the Bronx, killing many and mutating survivors. In the aftermath of Rebirth, Checkmate has been working to fix the mess they in part created. There has been no word from Sundown, and the streets have been littered with powered people for months. And Checkmate CEO, Alexander Mills, has been utilizing his son for purposes of containing the aberrant threats that run rampant throughout New York. However, there's a deeper story to be told. A mystery of Rebirth and it's Origins. One that will leave the lives of everyone involved changed forever.