Tap ...tap ....tap ....tap .... clingg..-was the sound of the chimes as the door pushes them as they hang, bumping onto each other..... Tap ... tap ... a man walks in. "Aubrey was her name. . (rock version)" as the headbanger girl was in the moment. . .dingggg!dingggg! A counterbell would not interupt her until. SLAM!, a palm hits a counter. "Umh . . . . Ah. . . Mi- miss, do you have a . . . Umh" with her looking at him so unexplainably(in the perspective of the guy who made a scene just for him to be noticed), holding her headphones after taking them off, with her full attention, eyes and ears towards him, he crumbles and eats his words. So embarass of the next thing he will say and the act he just did, with his head twichering. . . ." Tampon? I mean do you sell them, tampons, I-I mean. Does your store sell tampons?"