"I had a dream of a perfect world..."
Kayla Wilston and her sister Ann have been introduced to the Journey, where hundreds of children across the world participate to find self-realization and become mature adults. They will face challenges, but everything will go as it should.
But something like this, however organized it is, still holds many questions. And many hidden answers, ones that the twins and their friends will need to uncover. Even if it leads to big fights. Even if it leads to the biggest choices they'll ever have to face.
Even if it leads to their demise.
"So, good luck. And may your hearts guide you."
Warning- A teensy bit of swearing, and some possibly cringey writing
Thanks to @Lucy_Loves_Keys for the cover!
{COMPLETED} Samantha hasn't touched Earth in 16 years. She has always dreamt of finding her biological family on Earth and meeting them for the first time again. But she can't. Samantha can't dream anymore, she is apart of the cause to save the human race.
The year is B35 and the Earth is becoming overpopulated every day. The governments have combined forces to try to find a solution before Earth is too crowded. They have tried sending spaceships into space and leave some of the population up there, but the space crafts required to have humans live there forever is not possible. They have tried making underwater pockets so people can live under the sea, but the underwater pockets are too fragile to maintain and easily every citizen can drown. Hope was almost given up.
Until scientists found a planet only couple light years away that is a sister planet to Earth. No one has ever been on this planet before and is unsure what will people find there. So on the year B18, all children born within that year were taken from their families and sent into a spaceship to be trained and prepared for the landing of this new planet.
Samantha and her squad are flying through space and preparing themselves both mentally and physically for the adventures of this new planet. No one knows what is going to happen when the spaceship lands on this foreign land.