In the magical realm of Deinos, a land of untamed beauty and power, the legendary Knight Lords once reigned supreme, protecting their world with unmatched strength and unbreakable unity. Yet, a thousand years ago, they vanished, their fates sealed in a mysterious calamity.
Now, reborn into the human realm, they live unaware of their true identities-until an extraordinary phenomenon awakens their dormant powers and memories of their former lives. Torn between two worlds, the Knight Lords must uncover the truth of their rebirth, the catastrophe that claimed them, and the mysterious force drawing them back to Deinos.
But their path is fraught with challenges. As the Knight Lords strive to reclaim their place in Deinos, they face an unexpected obstacle: their captain, the strongest and wisest of them all, remains oblivious to his past life. Without his leadership or the full extent of his power, the Knight Lords are vulnerable, and their mission is imperiled.
Bound by loyalty and driven by the mysteries of their shared fate, the Knight Lords embark on an epic adventure across realms. Together, they will confront ancient enemies, unravel the secrets of their demise, and ignite the spark that could awaken their captain's true potential. But as the shadows of Deinos loom larger, one question haunts them: what force could have killed the invincible Knight Lords at the height of their power?
A tale of rediscovery, unity, and resilience-a journey of warriors torn between worlds and bound by destiny, as they strive to reclaim their legacy and uncover the truth behind their mysterious end.
[Written in Taglish]
The Last Elysian Oracle (Soon to be Published under PSICOM)
74 parts Complete
74 parts
Elysian Oracle - the oracle of Elysium, the highest oracle of the realms.
The Alphas know it isn't over. The Gods are constantly up on their sleeves, giving them missions, perhaps proving the Alphas' loyalty to their deities.
What is it with the deities lately?
The mortal realm is in for a big surprise after the demigods learn more about the war that has happened. Unfamiliar voices and faces will slowly reveal the truth about what the world will soon become: a battlefield.
Our heroes will have to sacrifice something for the sake of their future...
or is it a someone?