There once was this girl, who doubted everything in her path. Hit the bumps, but flattened a tire, without even trying to push more air into it. This girl was just like everyone else, but somehow just got bullied. What little did she know, is she got bullied for how beautiful she was. But she didn't believe it. Doesn't have a mirror in her room, and bypasses every little shiny object she walks by. She hates life, and thinks every compliment is a lie. She stares at the picture on her wall, of a little girl with a bun of flowers, and tulips in her hands, with a big smile on her shiny face. She wishes she still was her, but that was long ago. She'll never be that happy little girl again, so why would she even try to? And she wouldn't even expect some boy to sweep her off her feet, and say he'll save her.