Sequel to Spectrum by PotatoYoghurt. Title also by PotatoYoghurt
A year after Gee moves to California with her grandmother to escape her abusive, transphobic parents, she had promised Frank, her long distance boyfriend, that they would keep in touch. But after a tree of a new life with millions of opportunities, Frank becomes a distant memory. After meeting Bert McCracken, Gee realizes a new life where nobody knows her as Gerard, the transgender girl from New Jersey. Life as a cis girl could not get better, until she gets an unexpected visit from Frank Iero.
Mikey Way has kept in touch with his New Jersey boyfriend Pete Wentz for a year now, he makes an effort to Skype and text him every day, they seem to be having a very open and connected relationship. They say love is an open door, but this door seemed to metaphorically close a year ago when Mikey left. But when Patrick Stump accidentally exposes a year old secret, and how will Mikey react?
Frank Iero has gone through a very tough year, people are finally starting to respect his gender, but that is not the problem. He has grown very jealous of Gee, living in California, getting her hormones and making a new life for herself. His family being too poor, Frank does not have a chance of getting the hormones that he so desperately needs, feeling comfortable with his body is a constant struggle that he never thinks he will ever be able to be who he is in his head and his heart.
When Gee was still in New Jersey a year ago, Frank was finally getting over his coke addiction and had even deleted his dealers number off of his phone, but the moment after Gee leaves, Frank receives a text from Freddie, his dealer, can Frank stay strong and resist the urge to go back to his old ways? Or does he need another intervention from Gee?
(AU) Transgender!gerard, transgender!frank, kid!mikey, kid!pete