"Shi,Please don't leave me you promised!" I yelled. That's all I remember from the massacre, flashes of mangled bodies a man. Turning his back to me leaving me on the ground, blood staying my sun kissed skin in scarlet tears. All I could see was blood, I screamed a loud wail. That's what I did every year on that day. I lived in the woods I helped those who need it and destroyed those who miss used it. Now I feast on moon light. My skin is now porcelain. Glistening, and stained red from the blood of my enemies, the ones who stop my pain. I stayed in a cave and helped but that had faded 5 years ago. I was lost till he found me,and I saw the light. I am the The One of The Scarlet Mask, The Dancer, The Last Umikiuno, The Doll of Death, The Banshee, Heiti Umikiuno.