36 części W Trakcie Dla dorosłychMC Romance -- Shifter Romance
Werewolves, Lycans, Wyre, Úlfhéðnar
The Grimm Clann traces their line back to the ancient Norse tribes. For more than two thousand years their clann's motto has been, "From Wolf: Spirit". The use of the wolf as a symbol was not uncommon with clanns or the families of clanns. The Norse Berserkers or 'Wolf Warriors', were honored for their strength and skills. There were also the Úlfhéðnar -- the 'Wolves of Odin'. For the Grimm Clann, however, the wolf is more than a symbol or metaphor.
Beyond the Vale is the land of the Spirits, guarded by the North Watchtower. The Mandates of the Watchtower are served by several Tribes of Wyre and Wyrd races, the Nivem Fang being one of these, the tribe Logan's Clann is bound.
Logan Grimm is just now learning what these mythologies and childhood stories truly mean to him and his family. Throughout his life, he has heard the stories of the Called, the honor of serving the Watchtowers, the pride, and distinction of serving a purpose far beyond the individual. He is learning that these are not just stories told by his Grand Uncle.
He is also learning that no Grimm has joined the Nivem Fang for over half a millennium -- and stumbling into some of the dark reasons why.