DI Joe Rafferty, working-class lapsed Catholic, is cursed by coming from a family who think - if he must be a copper - he might at least have the decency to be a bent one. When you add the middle-class, moralistic intellectual DS Dafyd Llewellyn to the brew the result is murder with plenty of laughs for the reader and plenty of angst for Rafferty.
BOOK BLURB (in seventeen chapters, plus an epilogue)
Detective Inspector Joe Rafferty has just been promoted. Then he lands the case from Hell, one involving a corpse with a mutilated face, a private psychiatric hospital and Dr Anthony Melville-Briggs, the suave, social-climbing owner, who thinks his money can buy everything, even the police.
As if that isn't enough, his Ma, Kitty Rafferty, has another little problem for him: to get his distant cousin out of the cells in time for his wedding. Against his better judgement, Rafferty promises to get his cousin sprung, though he is careful not to give a time-scale for the Great Escape.
Struggling, with no solution in sight, it is only when he is reminded of his forgotten promise and goes to see his jail-bird cousin, that Rafferty begins to put the case to bed.
For what reason does one wake up every day?
People had always thought the life of ISAAC RUIZ couldn't be more perfect. Everything he wanted, he would get with his money and influence. What anyone didn't know was his real motivation to keep on living -- something that was silly for others, but a salvation for him.
For office employee FLORENCE VILLENA, there was no longer any meaning to his existence. Nothing could fill the void he had been experiencing inside him anymore, and he was convinced the world was better off without him in it.
At twenty-eight years old, LAURENCE VILLEGAS had a lot of reasons to wish to just sleep forever. Since losing his home and family, the universe had rarely been kind to him. And yet, he chose to survive, time and again, if only for the hope of seeing his life get a little better.
On Friday the thirteenth of January 2023, fates began to entangle as Laurence died, Florence killed himself, and Isaac lost his reason to live. Nine months after the incidents, a new dawn fell upon those three lives when a dead man's soul reawakened in someone else's body.
Set in a fictional Asian City called Perlientas.
Mature topics: deaths, including self-killing (actual scene not depicted), mental health and other social issues, character thoughts that some may find disturbing or triggering.
Despite those themes, the overall story's pretty tamed.
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