Alana Pike, daughter of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone after Khan's fatal attack. Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. On its first mission to Exaltron 8, Kirk and Spock are greeted by then hostile aliens, ordering their death for being "false gods."
After Alana's rescue attempt becomes the laugh of the Enterprise, more trouble ensures after the mission to Exaltron, with the ship drifting away from a starbase, with only a few crew members. After learning the ship's location, Alana has to choose between orders and her gut feeling, but one mistake can cost her rank- or even lives.
Originally published- sometime in summer 2016...
Finished: January 9, 2017
Began in eighth grade and finished because why not. So have fun with it, but don't laugh too hard.
(Story contains Lemons)
Alex Tyr Birch is an autistic girl who was ripped from her reality by an unknown entity.. Plunged into the Universe of her favorite television show, she try's to live among them..Unsure of how to get back home she settles into her new life. Steering them towards a better path.. whilst doing so she gains the curiosity of a Vulcan onboard.
Little does she know the being that brought her to this new reality didn't account for her blossoming friendship with the resident Vulcan.
What will happen to Alex? Will she ever get back home? Find out by reading!