Your imagination is a scary thing.
What if you had the power to bring your wildest fantasies to life. What would happen if they have a mind of their own.
Consider it done......
Giovanna Sylvester, always thought of herself as a normal girl. Till the age of six at least.
That's when she had her first imaginary friend, a boy she called Angel.
Something out of a fairytale.
Or at least that's all it should have been.
He wasn't supposed to actually come to life, he wasn't supposed to actually be seen by everyone.
Most of all he was not supposed to........KILL her family and friends.
"You created me so, we can be together, I just wanted your wish to come true."
He stared at her innocently. 'Drenched in blood'.
His voice was clear and his breath was at an even pace, almost as though nothing was wrong, almost as though this was all a figment of her imagination. A figment of imagination, exactly what he was, IS.
That was until two days ago.....she had accepted that he was real, that he could be seen, that he was here.
What she couldn't accept was the fact that at her sixth birthday party.
Her parents.
All her eleven friends and their parents.
Were DEAD.
And her 'friend',
her 'imaginary friend',
her Angel was the one that cold bloodily murdered them right before her eyes.
After ten years of therapy, still haunted by the memories of what happened. Giovanna after being relocated for the fifth time again to a different orphanage, decides she's ready to go back to her old house.
With no family and friends, and a long list of mistakes she's made in her life. Can she finally live her life in peace. Or will her dark past haunt her for the rest of her life?..........
-You tell me. What's your fantasy?
Евелін Мерфі - дівчина із загадковим минулим, звичайним, спокійним теперішнім і не відомо яким майбутнім. Дівчина, близька людина якої покінчила життя самогубством...
Але це справді так, чи за цим заховується жахлива правда? Все це потрібно розгадати Евелін, тому вона повертається в місто з якого все почалося. Нові знайомства, друзі та вороги. Та чи впорається Мерфі сама, чи їй знадобиться допомога того, хто знає про всіх і може дістати інформацію про кожного? Але яка ж тоді буде ціна допомоги? Куди заведуть Евелін нитки минулого та чи зможе вона розплутати їх і не поглинути з головою в гру не на життя, а на смерть?
Випробування розпочинається, спробуй виграти!
Вікове обмеження 18+
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