The world roars in anger as the elements fight for dominance. The rain clashes in disaster with the sky, the world a dark and heedless abyss. Yet there in the center, in the hole of it all, a girl dreams. Violet struck by grey, wounded and dulled, given a purpose by green, and revitalized by blue. Aspyra Verisity is a juvenile, puerile girl, but forced into a mindset of older proportions. Gifted with a child, but cursed by her nineteen years of age, hardly old enough to take care of even herself. A fugitive of an elitist background, and a pugilist for reality, when she lands herself an internship at a once famous, now down-on-its-luck magazine, Aspyra slowly rebuilds herself and gives her son, Noah, a fighting chance for a flourishing life. However, that all shatters when she interviews internationally acclaimed band and party boys, The Wanted, and finds she’s infatuated with a certain band member. Her lesson: perfect isn’t real, but cracks and holes are; and she learns to love every imperfection and tribulation her new life holds.