Since the First Dragon Prince was murdered the land of Núbiyus has been split in two. Running through the very middle of the land is a wall, the Draconem Wall.
The purpose of this wall is to prevent the greatest war of history from beginning, a war which is only one act of violence away.
The night after a young Seer speaks of the return of the dragons, she is found dead in her inn room. The spark starts a fire.
The war has begun.
Merek, a young farm boy abandoned at birth, has grown up in the care of an elderly, sick man. And man who has secrets; who’s secrets have secrets.
On his death bed, he tells Merek of what he is; of what they are.
There was a reason the old man took Merek in as a child. A reason why the people of his town now shun him. A reason why he feels a strong connection to the Draconem Wall.
The Dragon Prince was a legend of old, nothing more than a story to share around fires. Or is it?
What will Merek do when he finds himself plunged into the world of stories, magic and dragons?